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Brea store has moved - 792 N. Brea Blvd. Brea, CA

23507 El Toro Rd.
Lake Forest, CA 92630
792 N. Brea Blvd.
Brea, CA 92821
M-F: 10am - 5pm
SAT: 10am - 5pm
SUN: 10am - 5pm



Lake Forest & Brea Location:  Everyday 11:00 am - 3:30 pm

Vista Location:  Wednesday - Sunday  11:00 am - 3:30 pm

A green and yellow parakeet standing on a white background.
Canaries, Cockatiels,
Finches, Parakeets,
Parrotlets, Lovebirds
  • Wings : $7
  • Beak : $9
  • Nails : $13
  • The Works : $20
A yellow and green parrot standing on a white background.
Caiques, Conures,
Lories, Meyers, Mini
Macaws, Pionus, Ringnecks
  • Wings : $10
  • Beak : $12
  • Nails : $18
  • The Works : $25
A toucan standing on a white background.
African Greys, Amazons.
Cockatoos, Eclectus,
Macaws, Toucans
  • Wings : $12
  • Beak : $14
  • Nails : $22
  • The Works : $32
Two parrots sitting on a metal cage.

Bathing Your Bird


Failing to groom your bird regularly may lead to problems. These include overgrown nails which may cause accidents, overgrown beaks that harbor bacteria causing illness and overgrown wings that may lead to aggression, injury, not to mention flying away if the bird is full flight.

Although OMAR'S encourages good grooming, we discourage customers from grooming their birds themselves as an untrained groomer puts a bird at risk. Trimming a bird's nails and beak can be dangerous if not done correctly and could cause hemorrhaging if cut too short.

Wing clipping is equally important. Although some bird owners feel ambivalent about wing clipping, flighted birds can escape out a window, get caught in a ceiling fan, or land unknowingly on a hot stove. Allowing your bird to fly means putting its life at risk. Like nail trimming, wing clipping should be done by a trained professional. Trying to clip wings yourself may result in a number of accidental injuries such as snipping a blood feather or trimming wings too short causing a bird to lose its coasting ability and take a dangerous fall.

Grooming services are best performed by experienced OMAR'S employees who have been properly trained and adhere to the highest health and safety standards.

How to Bathe Your Bird

Many people are afraid to bathe their bird because it is too cold, or because the bird does not like it. Birds need water and humidity to keep their feathers looking good. Birds that do not get enough baths are more likely to chew or pluck their feathers, so make it a habit to bathe your bird at least once a week. If it is cold outside, be sure to bathe the bird indoors in a warm room with no drafts. If the bird is healthy, bathing during the winter months will not make it sick.

If it is cool and you wish to dry your bird, use the blow dryer on a cool or warm setting. Hold the blow dryer at least 12-15 inches away and put your hand in between the blow dryer and your bird periodically so you can monitor the temperature of the warm air to make sure it is not too hot for the bird. Until the bird likes it, which it should after exposing it to the water a few times, talk to the bird and make it fun so it begins to look forward to this time with you.

There are a couple of ways to bathe your bird:

Spritz your bird with a spray bottle of water. Set the nozzle to mist. Cockatoos, Cockatiels and African Grey Parrots have a powder-base to their feathers and should only be bathed with water, not commercial sprays. If your bird is scared of the bottle, take your time introducing it to your bird.

Take your bird into the shower with you. Do this every time you shower. First, take your bird into the bathroom and let it sit on top of the shower door or curtain rod and get used to the noise and the room. When you think that it is calm enough to go near the water, just hold the bird at the edge of the spray, and only for a few seconds. Work up to longer periods of time closer to the water. Most birds will like the shower within a few times and will drench themselves.

A colorful bird is taking a bath in a birdbath.